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 Sales Plan

A sales plan contains the objectives of the sales process, the responsibilities and incentives of those involved in the sales process, and the resources that will be available or used for the sales process. The sales plan usually includes objectives (sales targets), assigned sales representatives, what products they are authorized to sell, list of sales roles, responsibilities, and territories.

This diagram shows how a sales process can be managed. In this example, the sales process is divided key steps that can be defined and managed. The prospecting step is used to identify new customers or expanded needs for existing customers. The qualification step is used to determine how many of the prospects are qualified (real candidates) for the product or service. The interest assessment step is used to determine how motivated the prospect is to take action to satisfy their need for the product or service. The fact-finding stage is used to determine who are the decision makers and what steps are necessary to complete the sale. The close involves the consolidation of the previous steps (coordination of motivated decision makers) so purchases can result. The progress between each step can be tracked and optimized. Included in the chart is an example activity time sheet showing that step may require different levels of time commitment and that the allocation of resources (time for each salesperson) is usually distributed along each step.

Sales Plan Diagram

Sales Plan Diagram

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Affiliate Link Operation
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   Affiliate Marketing Books

Introduction to Mobile Advertising Book

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Affiliate Marketing

This book explains how to setup and manage affiliate marketing programs through affiliate agreements. Discover how to begin selling your products through other companies without direct negotiation. Learn how to create affiliate partnerships, and setup and track links on their web pages. Understand affiliate marketing economics including the revenue sources.

$19.99 Printed, $16.99 eBook


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